Influencer Comparison Tool

Add the influencers you’re interested in and their prices to compare them. Determine their cost-effectiveness based on their price and content performance.

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Stand out With a Powerful Influencer Media Kit.

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How Does Our Tool Compare Influencers?

Selecting the right influencers for your campaign can be challenging. Especially when you’re choosing between micro and macro influencers. When you have pitches and rates from several influencers with different follower counts, engagement rates, and prices, it’s easy to get lost between those numbers.

With our free online comparison tool, you can compare influencers based on ViralMango’s granular data points and get deep insights to choose the right influencers for your campaigns. By checking the influencer’s content performance, our algorithm calculates their costs per engagement, likes, comments, and video views, i.e. how much you will pay for a single engagement (like, comment, or view). This information helps you identify the most cost-effective influencers and make data-driven decisions.

influencer comparison
influencer comparison stats

How to Use Influencer Comparison Stats?

Our influencer comparison tool simplifies the interpretation of data by calculating and presenting complex metrics visually. Side-by-side metric comparisons highlight the differences between influencers and show which influencer is more cost-effective. This helps to identify influencers that best match your campaign budget and needs.

Cost per engagement (CPE) shows how much you spend for each engaged follower. The lower the cost per engagement is, the better. So, if you have shortlisted creators and don’t know which ones to select for your campaign, simply add their usernames and prices to see which one is more cost-effective.

Influencer Comparison Tool

To analyze influencers, you can use free online tools like ViralMango Influencer Comparison Tool, which provides detailed information about their engagement and cost-effectiveness. It also shows a side-by-side comparison of different metrics to show you which influencers are more effective and match your needs. The metrics include their follower count, engagement rate, CPE, CPC, CPL, and CPAVV.

On Instagram, there are several ways to find similar influencers. You can search by specific hashtags and keywords. For example, if you want to find food influencers, you can search for keywords like ‘cooking’, ‘recipe’, and other relevant words. 

To find influencers similar to the ones you want to work with, open their Instagram profiles and use the platform’s ‘Suggested’ feature. Even though the list is limited and might not be very accurate, you can still try it.

Based on the number of followers, there are 10 types of influencers:

  • Pico-influencer: 1-1,000 Followers
  • Nano-influencer: 1,000-10,000
  • Micro-influencer: 10,000-50,000
  • Macro-influencer: 50,000-500,000
  • Milli-influencer: 500,000-1M
  • Mega-influencer: 1M-10M
  • Giga-influencer: 10M-50M
  • Tera-influencer: 50M-500M
  • Peta-influencer: 500M-1B
  • Exa-influencer: 1B-5B

Besides, influencers can be categorized according to their niche. Based on their niche, the types of influencers include Health, Sports, Fitness, Beauty, Fashion, Travel, Food, Pet, Business, Gaming, etc.

Choosing the right influencer from hundreds of options involves more than just looking at their follower count. You need to consider various things like who their audience is, the quality of their content, how authentic they are, and their past collaborations. 

You should also check their cost-effectiveness by analyzing their engagement rate, cost per engagement, cost per comment, cost per like, and cost per average video view. This will help you narrow down your choices and select the most suitable influencers for your campaigns.

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