Categories: Strategies and Hacks|14.4 min read|
Top Creators Shine with Their Media Kits. Do You?

So, you’ve been working on building your profile as an influencer: developing style, crafting content, and assembling an audience. Once you’ve established yourself enough, the next logical step is landing a brand collaboration to start earning from your efforts.

One way to go about this is to wait for the brands to reach out to you, which may not be the best strategy, especially if you want to be picky about your work. A more proactive and effective way, especially during the initial stages of your influencer journey, is to reach out to brands yourself.  This way, you can put yourself out there on your own terms by reaching out to companies that match your values and interests.

A well-planned strategy on you can reach out to brands as an influencer will help you showcase your unique strengths and emphasize just how much your cooperation can benefit you both. But the keyword here is “well-planned”: reaching out to brands for collaboration is much more than shooting them a message and hoping for the best. You need a clear reach-out strategy.

In this article, we’ll go over how you can choose who and how to reach out to, what to offer them and request in return, and how to phrase it for maximum effectiveness.

How to Reach Out to Brands

Reaching out to brands can initially seem overwhelming and confusing, but the good news is, it’s not that hard! There are quite a few best practices you can adopt that will simplify the process, and as you get the hang of them, it’ll go much smoother from there. Let’s take a look at them.

Step 1: Find the Right Brands

First and foremost, you need to find the right brands. Naturally, if you are a fashion influencer, working with an educational startup won’t feel very authentic, no matter how appealing the idea of the collaboration is. And it’s unlikely to be very effective for either party. But finding the right brand goes beyond simply choosing brands in the same niche: you want to make sure that you are a good fit value-wise. Do your research on the brand, its approach to doing business, its values, and its principles. If you are lost, the “About Us” section on their website is, as a rule, a good place to start.

Step 2: Find Ways to Work with Brands

Next up is defining the nature of your collaboration. There are many ways in which influencers and brands can collaborate.

Some of the most common ways are sponsorships and affiliate partnerships, closely followed by long-term brand deals. Research and understand which type of collaboration you are looking for. For example, sponsorships are one-time short partnerships, while affiliate programs and brand deals can last for months and even years!

Knowing what type of partnership you are looking for is central to the message you will be sending to the brand.

Step 3: Discover Whom to Contact

Knowing whom to contact is as important as knowing how to contact them. Luckily, Instagram has made it relatively easy. Most brands include contact information in their profile, and you can more often than not access their email address from the “Email Address” button featured on their profile. Alternatively, you can shoot the brand DMs. These are two of the simplest ways to reach out to brands. But there are quite a few other strategies you can use. Attending industry events and networking with influencer marketing professionals there is one method, asking for brand contact information from fellow creators is another. You can additionally use influencer platforms and marketplaces. On these platforms, brands looking for influencer collaborations are featured, and you can browse the brands, find the ones you are a good fit for, and contact them directly on the platform. 

Step 4: Build Your Media Kit/ Brand Pitch Deck

If described simply, your media kit or pitch deck is a collection of slides (or a PDF document, depending on your preferences) that contains all the information that brands need to know about you: who you are, what you do as an influencer, what are the examples of some of your work, what it is that you are offering to them. It can also include information about your pricing offers, the demographic of your followers, previous collaborations if there are any, and other information that you think will be relevant.  It showcases your brand and includes key information that brands need to know, all in one place, saving you significant amounts of time when reaching out to brands. 

But when should you unleash the power of a brand pitch deck? Well, imagine you’re reaching out to someone who may not have the final say in the decision-making process. In such cases, a pitch deck serves as a valuable tool for your contact to effectively advocate for your pitch. It’s like a pitch within a pitch—creating a compelling narrative that resonates with multiple stakeholders.

Moreover, your pitch deck’s branding can significantly enhance your professional image, particularly when approaching esteemed organizations or luxury brands. It’s an opportunity to showcase your attention to detail and demonstrate that you mean business.

Now, let’s delve into some essential tips for crafting an impactful brand pitch deck:

    • Keep it concise: Remember, brevity is key. Your brand pitch deck should span no more than 1-3 pages. It’s crucial to convey the essence of your pitch without overwhelming the reader with excessive information. After all, studies reveal that readers spend a mere 2 minutes and 45 seconds on average perusing a pitch deck. So make every slide count!

    • Make it catchy: When it comes to text, less is more. Opt for succinct and impactful statements using bullet points instead of lengthy paragraphs. Visual elements like infographics and compelling numbers take center stage over complex graphs or charts.

    • Stay true to your brand: Ensure that your pitch deck aligns with your visual identity. If your Instagram account exudes a dreamy pastel lifestyle, infuse your media kit with the same color palette and vibe. Consistency across all touchpoints reinforces your brand’s authenticity and leaves a memorable impression.

So, create a media kit that dazzles, captivates, and sets you apart from the competition. Let your visuals speak volumes and leave a lasting impression on potential collaborators.

Stand out With a Powerful Influencer Media Kit.

Step 5: Reach Them Using Good Pitch Emails or DMs

After all this preparation, it’s finally time for the main event! Typically, there are two ways to reach out to a brand: through a good pitch email or DMs. And there is no “right” or “better” way that you can use here. The effectiveness of each channel will vary from brand to brand.

Brands get a lot of emails and DMs, and it’s something you need to keep in mind. And the larger the brand, the higher this number. Therefore, to increase your chances of being noticed, you can warm them up before sending your message. Engaging with their social media channels for a couple of weeks, for example, can make your name more recognizable, especially if you are planning to send a DM.

Now, to the content. A solid outline, whether you go for an email or DM, can make the process of drafting and sending the message much simpler. We recommend going with the following structure:

    1. Introduce yourself
    2. Explain your niche and your demographic
    3. Talk about your past work or experience
    4. Explain how the collaboration can benefit them and why they should choose you
    5. Suggest potential ways for collaboration
    6. Include a CTA
  2. We’ve also included a few templates and examples of DMs and emails later in the article you can use to streamline the messaging process. 

Step 6: Create Long-Term Relationships with Brands

It’s well-known in the influencer marketing industry that long-term brand/influencer relationships are significantly more valuable to both parties. And this is not surprising: long-term partnerships with brands allow you as an influencer to establish a sense of trust and authenticity with your audience. When your followers see you work with the same brand for a long period, they start to perceive the partnership as more genuine and reliable, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion. It’s also a more reliable financial source: rather than relying on one-off brand deals, an ongoing collaboration provides an ongoing revenue stream. 

Once you start reaching out to brands, it’s important to keep this in mind. Ask yourself whether you’d like to work with the brand long-term, and if so, make it clear in your messaging.

5 Templates to Pitch Brands

Now that you know all the key points on what you need to reach out to brands as an influencer effectively, it’s time to craft the killer outreach message that will help you land the gigs you want. To help you get started, or simply give you some inspiration, we’ve assembled 5 effective email templates you can tailor to your needs and start sending out.

Brand Pitch Email Template 1:

Dear [Brand Contact’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am a passionate content creator in the [niche/industry]. I have been following [Brand Name]’s inspiring work for some time now, and I am truly impressed by your commitment to [specific aspect of the brand’s mission or values].

I believe that there could be a fantastic opportunity for us to collaborate and create engaging content together. With my [number of followers/subscribers] on [platform(s)], I have built an active and highly engaged community who are enthusiastic about [niche/industry]. I genuinely admire your work, and I believe that a partnership could mutually benefit us both as I am sure your [Brand Name] will resonate with my audience.

I would love to discuss potential collaboration ideas or explore how we can work together. If you’re open to the idea, I am available for a call or meeting at your convenience. I have attached my media kit for your reference.

Thank you for considering my proposal, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Social Handles/Website/Portfolio if applicable]

Brand Pitch Email Template 2:

Dear [Brand Contact’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I have been an avid follower and admirer of [Brand Name]’s innovative products/services for quite some time, and I am truly inspired by your commitment to [specific aspect of the brand’s mission or values].

As an influencer with a noticeable presence in the [niche/industry], I have a creative concept that I believe will authentically showcase [Brand Name] to my highly engaged audience. My idea involves [briefly describe your concepts, such as a series of engaging videos, a social media challenge, or a product review that highlights unique features].

With my [number of followers/subscribers] on [platform(s)], I have built a community of dedicated and passionate individuals who trust my recommendations. By partnering together, we can effectively communicate [Brand Name]’s value proposition while creating compelling content that resonates with our audiences at the deepest level.

If you are open to an idea of cooperation, I would love to discuss in detail how you see it. I have attached my media kit for your reference. Thank you for considering my proposal, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Social Handles/Website/Media kit if applicable]

Brand Pitch Email Template 3:

Dear [Brand Contact’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I’m a [niche/industry] influencer with a dedicated following of [number of followers] on [social media platform(s)]. I have been following [Brand Name] for quite some time and truly admire your [specific aspect of the brand, e.g., commitment to sustainability/products/mission].

I believe there could be a fantastic opportunity for a mutually beneficial collaboration between us. My audience resonates with [your unique content style/values], making it an ideal fit for promoting [Brand Name]. I’m excited about the prospect of showcasing your products/services to my highly-engaged audience and driving meaningful results. For more information on my audience, as well as content performance, attached is my media kit for your reference.

I’d love to discuss potential partnership opportunities further. If you’re open to exploring this, I’m available for a call at your convenience. Looking forward to the possibility of working together and contributing to [Brand Name]’s success.

Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Social Handles/Website/Portfolio if applicable]

Brand Pitch Template 4: Follow-up Template

Dear [Brand Contact’s Name],

I hope my previous email reached you well. I just wanted to follow up on my inquiry regarding a potential collaboration with [Brand Name]. I remain enthusiastic about the opportunity to partner together and believe that our combined efforts can yield remarkable results.

I’ve seen some exciting recent developments from [Brand Name] that align perfectly with my audience’s interests. I genuinely believe that my content could contribute to the success of these initiatives.

If you require any additional information or have any questions, please feel free to reach out. I’m open to exploring various collaboration ideas and finding the best way to promote [Brand Name] effectively.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I’m looking forward to the chance to work together.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Social Handles/Website/Portfolio if applicable]

Brand Proposal Template 5

Dear [Brand Contact’s Name],

I hope this email finds you in great spirits. I am excited to present a collaboration proposal for [Brand Name] and myself, [Your Name]. After careful consideration, I’ve crafted a compelling campaign idea that aligns perfectly with both our brands’ values and objectives.

[Describe your campaign idea briefly, focusing on how it benefits the brand and engages your audience. Include any unique selling points and potential deliverables.]

I am confident that this collaboration will make a significant impact on both our audiences, and I am eager to discuss the details further. I believe the campaign’s success lies in our shared commitment to [shared value, e.g., sustainability, creativity, etc.].

I’ve attached my media kit and additional relevant information for your reference. Please let me know if you would like to schedule a call or if there’s any other information I can provide.

Thank you for considering this proposal. I am eager to hear your thoughts and explore this opportunity together.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Social Handles/Website/Portfolio if applicable]

DM for Instagram Collaborations (Examples)

Another way to reach out to brands, as mentioned earlier, is through DMs. Many influencers concentrate their efforts on a specific platform, and also use that platform to reach out to brands with collaboration offers. 

Typically, DMs are shorter and “friendlier” than emails, also owning to the fact that social media platforms limit file transfer, and you’ll eventually need to switch to emails. Despite this, they are a great way to start the conversation with the brand you are targeting. Here are a few messages you can use as your first DM to a brand.

    1. Hello! My name is [YOUR NAME], and I’m a content creator in the [YOUR NICHE]. I’m super interested in partnering with [BRAND NAME] and would love to send a collaboration proposal to your marketing team. Could you please let me know the correct email contact? Thanks so much!
    2. Hello! My name is [YOUR NAME], and I’m a content creator in the [YOUR NICHE] with [YOUR FOLLOWER NUMBER]. I’m very interested in a potential collaboration with your brand. I’ve been following your brand for some time now, and I have been truly impressed with what you do. I believe that your brand and its values highly resonate with my audience. In case you are open to the idea, I would love to discuss potential collaboration ideas or explore how we can work together. Could you please let me know the correct email contact of your marketing team? Thanks so much!
    3. Hello! My name is [YOUR NAME], and I’m a content creator in the [YOUR NICHE] with [YOUR FOLLOWER NUMBER]. I’ve recently discovered your brand, and after going through your content and what you do, I think it’s amazing because [REASONS WHY YOU LOVE THEIR WORK]. As I think your brand and values will resonate well with my audience, I am very interested in a potential collaboration with you and would love to send my offer, alongside my media kit, to your marketing team. Could you please let me know the correct email contact? Thanks so much!


So, there you have it: the why and how to craft better brand outreach emails as an influencer to start receiving those sweet partnership offers. In the beginning, the process may seem overwhelming, but it will get easier as you learn. The information above is a good place to start, but don’t be afraid to alter your strategy as you go: keep in mind that every creator and every brand is different, and you will, over time, find what works best specifically for you. Good luck!

Stand out With a Powerful Influencer Media Kit.

Reviewed By Rem Darbinyan

Revolutionizing industries with AI, Rem Darbinyan is the CEO of ViralMango and an entrepreneur, AI expert, and influencer marketing strategist.

Rem Darbinyan