Categories: Strategies and Hacks|16.5 min read|
Top Creators Shine with Their Media Kits. Do You?
In This Article
Show What Makes You Great
Influencer media kit

As the influencer marketing world keeps growing, the competition gets stiffer. Algorithm changes and a bunch of other challenges make it harder for influencers to get noticed.

Being an influencer isn’t just about posting content and collecting likes. It’s more about building a reputation and having a personal brand that stands out. Besides, you should be able to show your worth and achievements. This is why it’s important for you to have a powerful tool to present yourself and improve communication with brands.

Having an influencer media kit is the solution that you need. It’s like a portfolio that shows who you are, what you do, your achievements, and what you can offer brands. It’s the key to getting noticed and being approached to for more collaborations.

In this article, we’ll explain why you need an influencer media kit and guide you through creating one in three easy steps. We’ll cover where to start, what to include, and more. Let’s begin!

What is an influencer media kit?

Your media kit is basically a highlight of your influencer journey. It usually includes info about your background, your career story, and all the details that brands want to know. Think of it as your way of saying, “Hey, I’m the real deal, and here’s why you need me!”

It’s like a resume for professional influencers. It shows brands who you are and what you offer, so it’s crucial to make it well-structured, visually appealing, and up-to-date. An influencer media kit should give details about your audience size and demographics, engagement rates, previous partnership examples, rates, and links to your social profiles.

So, if you still don’t have a media kit, it’s time to create one. It will help you build relationships with brands, show off your unique style, and let your skills take center stage. Plus, it lets you track what’s working best to attract potential collaborations in an organized way.

Why do you need a media kit?

Before we get all creative with your media kit, let’s take a step back and talk about why it’s a game-changer for your influencer journey.

Picture this: Brands are on the lookout for awesome influencers like you to team up with. But how do they know you’re the one they’ve been looking for? That’s where your media kit steps in. It’s like your digital business card, showcasing your style, skills, and all those fantastic achievements you’ve racked up, and… helps you secure your next brand deal.

So, below are the key reasons why you need a media kit:

Provide information about you

Your media kit is an overview of all the things that make you, well, you! Think of it as your digital introduction, your friendly wave to the world. It includes all the essential insights about your creator journey, your interests, the niche you’re in, and the kind of content that you create for your audience and partners.

Brands love this peek into your world. The information presented in your media kit helps them understand your personality, style and value, making it easier for them to determine if you are a good fit for their campaigns or not.

Showcase your professionalism

When brands catch a glimpse of your carefully crafted media kit, they instantly see that you’re not just here to play—it’s clear you mean business. When you’ve put effort into presenting yourself in a clear, organized way, you’re showcasing a level of professionalism that brands can’t help but respect.

A well-crafted media kit shows that you take your work seriously and are ready to deliver results. This increases your credibility and helps brands to consider potential partnerships with you.

influencer media kit

Land better brand deals

Having an influencer media kit can improve your chances of securing better brand deals. Brands are looking for influencers to bring their visions to life. They’ve got a checklist—your media kit ticks all the boxes.

It’s like handing them a neatly wrapped package with everything they need to know about you. Your strengths, your audience’s specifics, and a dazzling display of past successful collaborations—it’s all in one place.This makes it super easy for them to see why you’re the one to make their visions come to life.

In a world filled with influencers, your media kit is your spotlight. It sets you apart, shining a light on the unique sparkle that only you can bring to the table.

Negotiate with confidence

When stepping into a negotiation, you’re armed with an arsenal of facts and figures if you have your media kit ready and up-to-date. With solid data on your side—like your audience size that’s rapidly growing, high engagement rates, and the success stories of past campaigns, you can negotiate with brands more confidently.

You’re not just discussing terms; you’re showcasing your worth. Armed with these insights, you can land a deal, ensuring everyone walks away with smiles and satisfaction.

How to create a winning media kit in 3 easy steps?

Now that you know what an influencer media kit is and how it can help you, let’s see how you can make one for yourself. The good news is, creating a media kit is easy, and you can do it in just three steps.

Want to Monetize Your Content?

Create Your Media Kit

Understand the goal 🎯

Step 1

The first step in making your influencer media kit is to know why you’re doing it. When you define and understand your goal, it will help you with the next steps. Your influencer media kit is a reflection of you, your creativity, and your aspirations. So, take a moment to think about your “why.”

Ask yourself: What’s the big idea behind your media kit? Are you looking to collaborate with brands? Are you aiming to showcase your unique style? Or maybe it’s about sharing your story with the world?

Here’s how you can figure out your goal:

  • What do you want to achieve?

    Think about what you want your influencer media kit to accomplish. Do you want to get noticed by more brands and boost your visibility? Or do you aim to land partnerships? Knowing this will be the foundation of your media kit and help you create one that matches your goals.

  • Define your personal brand

    Figure out what your personal brand represents. Understand your values, personality, and mission. This will help you know which brands and collaborations are the right fit for you. Craft a media kit that reflects your goals, interests, and values, so you attract partnerships that align with your brand.

  • Identify your niche

    Your niche is the specific topic you focus on and have a dedicated audience for. If you’ve been an influencer for a while, you likely know your niche. For example, if you create content about fashion, your niche is fashion and beauty, and your audience is interested in those topics. Your media kit should clearly show which industry you operate in, whether it’s sports, travel, or vegan cooking.

  • Outline your USP (unique selling proposition)

    Your unique selling proposition (USP) is what makes you stand out from other influencers in your niche. Define what sets you apart, how your values align with brands, and why a partnership with you would be beneficial. Explain what you bring to the brand through your partnership. Having a strong USP will make it more appealing to brands.

What to include in your media kit ✍🏻

Step 2

Now, let’s talk about what content you should include in your influencer marketing kit. You have some flexibility here because you want to show your strengths. Imagine you’re creating your highlight reel. What’s the magic ingredient that makes you stand out? It could be your impressive engagement rates, your storytelling style, or the awesome campaigns you’ve aced.

So, you can choose to include certain information and leave out others. However, there are some key things you should definitely include if you want to stand out and secure collaborations successfully.

  • Add your bio

    Your bio is the first thing brands will see when they open your media kit. So, it’s crucial to make a great impression. In this section, you’re not just introducing yourself, you’re showcasing your influencer superpowers and making sure you stand out from other influencers.

    Briefly introduce yourself, share who you are, what you’re all about, and why you’re the influencer they’ve been looking for.

    Keep it short and to the point. Remember, it’s like a bite-sized teaser, not an encyclopedia. Brands are busy, and they want to quickly get a sense of who you are and what you bring to the table. So, make every word count and make your bio a powerful introduction that leaves a lasting impact.

  • Include your social media accounts

    Including links to your social media platforms is an absolute must for your media kit. It’s best to have them in an interactive clickable format, so brands can easily navigate to your accounts with just a click.

    As an influencer, you probably have several social media accounts, but not all of them may be equally active or relevant to your brand. To keep things focused and organized, it’s a good idea to include the top 3-4 most active platforms in your media kit. Arrange them in order of activity, so brands can see where you engage the most with your audience.

    Also, if you have a blog or a website, make sure to include links to them as well. These platforms provide additional opportunities for brands to understand your content, your writing style, and any collaborations you’ve done in the past. Including these links will give brands a more comprehensive view of your online presence and expand their understanding of your reach and impact.

  • Show your demographics

    When brands consider collaborating with a creator, one of the main things they look for is whether their target audience aligns with the creator’s niche. So, it’s super important to include this information in your media kit.

    If you’re an experienced influencer with a solid following, you probably have a great idea of who your followers are. You know where they live, what they love, and other demographic details. And if you’re still figuring things out, don’t worry! Social media platforms offer awesome analytics that can give you valuable insights into your audience’s age, gender, and location. You can also pick up clues about their interests and preferences from their engagement and interactions.

    Once you’ve got the scoop on your audience, showcase it through your media kit. Visual representations like graphs or pie charts are the way to go. They catch the eye, are easy to understand, and highlight all the details.

    Oh, and here’s a tip: If there’s something cool or exciting happening with the audience demographics that you think might interest brands, definitely share it! Adding a little context can go a long way in showing how awesome your audience is and how much you understand them. So, make some space to tell the brands about it. They’ll love it!

  • Add important metrics

    Let’s dive into the numbers! Your media kit should include the statistics and performance of your social media accounts, or if you focus on one main channel, make sure to highlight its key metrics.

    For instance, if Instagram is your main platform, include details like your follower count, post reach and impressions, engagement rates, reel views, and other relevant metrics. Don’t forget to add some weekly and monthly performance data as well. Gathering this information is easy with Instagram analytics or the analytics of any other social media platform you use.

    When presenting the data, keep it simple and straightforward, so it’s easy to understand. You can even add a few screenshots from your analytics page to make it more reliable. If this is your first collaboration, the brand representatives might check your account themselves, but providing this information upfront gives you an advantage. You get to be the first to show them the insights they need!

    If you use multiple platforms for content creation, make sure to include the same performance information for each of them. This way, brands can get a comprehensive view of your reach and impact across all your channels, which helps them make better-informed decisions about potential collaborations.

    Updating your metrics manually takes a lot of time, so you can choose a dynamic media kit builder like ViralMango that lets you include different social media accounts and automatically updates the numbers for you.

  • Include testimonials and other collaborations

    If you’ve been around for a while now, chances are you’ve had some awesome collaborations with brands. Don’t forget to share them in your influencer kit!

    Showcasing your previous collaborations gives the brands you’re reaching out to a glimpse of you in action. They’ll get a better sense of what’s important to you in your work, how professional you are, and what your collaboration style is like.

    If possible, go the extra mile and include a couple of testimonials from the brands and companies you’ve worked with. Just like in any profession, a glowing recommendation can work wonders for you. It gives brands insights into how well you’ve collaborated with others and what they can expect from working with you.

    Now, if you haven’t collected any testimonials yet, don’t worry! You can reach out to a few brands you’ve recently worked with or had close collaborations with and kindly ask if they’d be willing to provide a testimonial for your media kit. Aim for one or two specific and on-point testimonials, and place them strategically in your kit so they stand out but don’t clutter the page.

    Remember, your influencer kit is like your shining portfolio, and sharing your successful collaborations and testimonials adds that extra sparkle that brands will love!

  • Add your rates

    Present all the types of collaborations you offer and list the rates for each. Be clear about which platform each collaboration is for, as pricing may vary across different platforms. This transparency benefits both you and the brand, as you’ll be letting them know exactly what you expect in terms of financial compensation for your efforts. At the same time, it provides the brand with the information they need to calculate their expenses and anticipate the return on investment (ROI) they can expect from the collaboration.

    By including these details in your media kit, you set clear expectations from the beginning, which can lead to smoother negotiations and a better understanding between you and the brand. It ensures that both parties are on the same page regarding the budget and the scope of the collaboration.

  • Contact details

    You wouldn’t believe how often people forget to include contact information in their media kits! So, be sure to add your email and phone number so they can be easily seen, perhaps right next to your bio on the first page of your kit.

    All the information we’ve discussed so far is crucial for catching the attention of brands. But remember, it’s essential to be selective about what you include in your media kit. Adding too much data can make your kit overcrowded and confusing. You want your kit to be informative and relevant, not overwhelming. So, when deciding what to include, ask yourself if each piece of information is relevant to potential partnerships and if it brings value to the brand.

    By keeping it organized and focused, you’ll make it easier for brands to understand your worth and expertise. This way, you increase the chances of attracting exciting collaborations that align with your brand and interests.

Choose a format and design 🎨

Step 3

The final step is designing your influencer media kit, and it’s a crucial one that you shouldn’t overlook. In the world of social media, visuals are everything, and a beautifully-designed kit is another way to show that you can create eye-catching and stylish content in various forms.
It’s your chance to let your creativity shine. Remember, brands are scrolling through tons of media kits, and yours needs to be the one that stops them in their tracks. Show them that not only can you create stunning content, but you also know how to package it like a pro.

Whether you’re sending a PDF attached to an email or a sleek digital link, make sure it’s a smooth experience for whoever’s on the receiving end. Accessibility is key here.

Here’s how you can ensure that your influencer media kit is well-designed and easily accessible:

  • Keep it visually appealing

    Just like how you curate your Instagram feed, let your media kit follow suit. Pick colors that match your aesthetic—whether it’s bold and vibrant or serene and soothing. These colors aren’t just there to look pretty; they’re there to resonate with brands and grab their attention. You can also use a customizable media kit template, if you find a suitable one.

    Your media kit is a window to your creative world. When brands open it, they should see you and your unique style to decide whether they want to work with you or not.

  • Choose the right format

    Let’s talk about finding the right format for your media kit. There are 3 main formats that you can consider: a PDF file, a digital media kit, and a one-pager.

    Create and share a PDF file that brands will download and check out. You can lay it out in pages like chapters of a story, making it easy for brands to flip through and get to know you better. Just remember, keep the file size in check to ensure smooth sharing.

    The digital media kit is like a virtual showcase that brands can explore with a single click. You can fill it with interactive elements, past collaborations that show your influence, and links that take them directly to your social media pages.

    And let’s not forget the one-pager. Use it for telling your compelling story in a nutshell, perfect for those cases when brands need a quick snapshot of your creator journey.

    Whatever format you choose, remember the golden rule—accessibility. Brands should be able to open and explore your media kit without a hitch. So, whether it’s a downloadable PDF, a digital media kit, or a one-pager, make sure it’s easy to access and share.

  • Use high-quality visuals

    Just like you wouldn’t want a grainy selfie on your Instagram feed, your media kit deserves only the best. Opt for images that are crystal clear and super sharp. Ensure that any images or graphics you include are high-resolution and of professional quality.

    Blurry or pixelated visuals can give a negative impression. You’re a pro, and your visuals should reflect that!

From a captivating bio that introduces you in style, to showcasing your social media platforms, audience demographics, performance metrics, previous collaborations, rates, and contact details, you’ve got all the ingredients for a comprehensive and irresistible kit.

With these insights, you’re ready to dive into the influencer world with a kit that stands out for its visual appeal, professionalism, and user-friendly design. Get ready to attract collaborations that align with your passion and showcase your influencer magic like never before.

Influencer media kit examples

Check out some media kit examples for influencers below. These carefully curated examples offer a glimpse into how successful influencers present their unique brand, engagement metrics, and previous collaborations to attract potential partnerships.

Get inspired to create a media kit that effectively showcases your personality and strengths as an influencer!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I send my influencer media kit to brands?2023-10-30T12:45:43+00:00

To send your influencer media kit, compose a personalized email to brands expressing interest in collaboration. Attach a concise PDF or share a digital link showcasing your strengths, engagement rates, past work, and audience demographics. Ensure accessibility across devices. Keep subject lines attention-grabbing, and follow up if needed. Stay positive and professional in all interactions – authenticity is key!

How often should I update my influencer media kit?2023-10-30T12:45:11+00:00

Update your media kit every time you have new achievements, changes in rates, new collaborations, or improved performance. Keep your media kit up to date to show brands you’re proactive and reliable. Depending on your media kit format, you can update your numbers manually, if it’s a PDF, or if it’s a media kit builder like ViralMango, your performance data will be updated automatically.

How many pages should my media kit have?2023-10-30T12:44:35+00:00

When creating your media kit, remember that its length can vary based on what you want to share and what brands are looking for. It’s generally recommended to keep it concise and focused. A typical influencer media kit is usually 2 to 6 pages long, including content and visuals.

What’s the difference between a media kit and a press kit?2023-10-30T12:47:07+00:00

A media kit targets brand partners and influencers, showcasing engagement metrics and collaboration opportunities. While, a press kit is for journalists, providing company information, press releases, and high-resolution images to generate media coverage.

How do I use an influencer media kit to get brand deals?2023-10-30T12:46:37+00:00

A compelling media kit increases your chances of attracting brands and landing exciting deals. To secure brand deals using your influencer media kit, reach out to brands expressing interest in collaboration. Attach or link your media kit, emphasizing your strengths and past successes. Highlight your uniqueness, showcase successful partnerships, and customize outreach for each brand.

Stand out With a Powerful Influencer Media Kit.

By Rem Darbinyan


Revolutionizing industries with AI, Rem Darbinyan is the CEO of ViralMango and an entrepreneur, AI expert, and influencer marketing strategist.

Rem Darbinyan

Reviewed By Rem Darbinyan

Revolutionizing industries with AI, Rem Darbinyan is the CEO of ViralMango and an entrepreneur, AI expert, and influencer marketing strategist.

Rem Darbinyan
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