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81% of companies use some sort of social media posting or analytics tools? 

58% of companies use content creation/workflow/collaboration tools.

Thanks to new tools that make digital advertising more impactful, companies are managing to succeed on social media platforms more than ever before. Tools like SocialPilot, Hootsuite, Buffer, and others make social media management a piece of cake. 

With comprehensive dashboards, features for scheduling, posting, content curation, advertising, reporting, and more, it’s no wonder companies are finding immense value in such tools.

In a world where social media management and analytics tools are as sophisticated as ever, it can be tough to find the perfect one for you. 

Hootsuite has been around for about 14 years and dominates the market. To compete with such a shark in the sphere, SocialPilot entered the market with a unique value proposition that customers couldn’t resist. 

Socialpilot dashboard

In short, SocialPilot has killer features and an even better price than you could imagine. If you’re looking for a social media management and analytics tool, SocialPilot is definitely an option to consider. 

In this SocialPilot review, we will cover all you need to know about SocialPilot, including SocialPilot Pricing, its features, pros & cons, plus comparisons with competitors. 

Most importantly, we’ll talk about ShareIt by SocialPilot – its free content discovery tool that can transform the way marketers run their accounts.

Want to learn more about the benefits of SocialPilot and see if it’s the one for you? Keep on reading through because you’ve come to the right place.

SocialPilot Overview

We begin this SocialPilot review with a quick overview of SocialPilot. What is SocialPilot? How do you use SocialPilot? What is it for? These are some of the questions we will cover. Without further ado, let’s begin this SocialPilot review.

What is SocialPilot?

First things first, let’s talk about what is SocialPilot. SocialPilot is a social media management tool that allows you to schedule posts, track your performance, communicate with customers, curate content and more. Ultimately, SocialPilot allows digital marketers and small businesses to put their social media efforts on autopilot.

Socialpilot overview

So, what does SocialPilot do exactly? The cloud-based tool allows you to connect your social media accounts to their software and run your SMM campaigns in an easier way. Plus, they do it at a very affordable price.

How do you use SocialPilot?

Using any social media management and analytics tool like SocialPilot can take some time. In any case, SocialPilot makes it very easy to get a handle on the platform. 

With a “Studio” or “Agency” subscription, you even get Concierge Setup, aka assistance with setting up your SocialPilot account.

If it’s your first time on the platform, here’s a quick step-by-step tutorial of how you can use SocialPilot.

  1. Get into your account through the SocialPilot login page.
  1. Connect your or your client’s accounts to SocialPilot and authorize them by logging in. SocialPilot supports 9 different platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Google My Business, Pinterest, TikTok, and VK. 
  1. Create time slots for each account and platform according to your posting schedule.

Note: Posting at the right time is crucial for your post’s success. If you post when your followers are most active, you’ll get more engagement during the first minutes and hours of posting, which will benefit your future reach.

  1. Create posts and add them to your queue. Posts in the queue will be posted at the next available time slot. You can also save posts as a draft to edit and schedule later.  

Note: You can post your content in 4 ways – immediately, schedule for a later date, add to queue, or repeat posts (post the same content multiple times at different time slots).

  1. Attach images to your posts through Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, or just upload from your computer. You can also create images directly from Canva on the SocialPilot platform.
Socialpilot post creation
  1. If you don’t have any content ideas, you can search their curated content tab and discover new content based on keywords, authors, competitors, and more.
  1. Invite team members to collaborate and assign roles as you please. You can assign 3 different roles:
  • Admins, who can control all activities except billing and memberships.
  • Content Creators, who can create posts for accounts and send them for approval.
  • Managers, who approve and schedule posts.
  1. Create reports and track your analytics through SocialPilot analytics reports.
FB analytics
  1. Learn from the data and adjust your social media strategy to skyrocket your performance on social platforms.

What platforms does SocialPilot support?

Being one of the most affordable social media management and analytics tools, SocialPilot supports scheduling and posting on 9 different social platforms. Those platforms include Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Google My Business, Pinterest, TikTok, and VK. 

With SocialPilot’s wide coverage of platforms, you can drive your social media agenda further, get more impressions, and tackle more channels than ever.

Does SocialPilot have an app?

Aside from accessing SocialPilot on your browser, you can download their Android or iOS app and use it from your phone. Plus, you can add the SocialPilot extension to your Chrome or Firefox browser and schedule posts from any website you are browsing.

Note: You can access ShareIt by SocialPilot through a SocialPilot free account with a daily limit, and you’ll have to subscribe to get more search opportunities.

What is SocialPilot’s unique value proposition?

When choosing between social media management tools, you need to know what’s different about their solution. With SocialPilot, you get all the tools you could need for managing your social media account, but the best part is the price.

Let’s finish the overview section of this SocialPilot Review and start discussing SocialPilot Pricing.

SocialPilot Pricing

SocialPilot is one of the most affordable social media management and analytics tools you can find. On average, SocialPilot is twice as cheap, if not cheaper, than its competitors. Buckle up, and let’s begin one of the most important parts of this SocialPilot review.

Socialpilot pricing

Now for the million-dollar question – can you get a SocialPilot free account? The short answer is no. However, you can get a 14-day free trial! 

Once you sign up for SocialPilot, you’ll be able to use SocialPilot for free without even needing to give your credit card info for 14 days. This means that you’ll have 2 whole weeks to decide whether you want to continue using the software or not. 

Once the 14 days pass, you’ll need to choose one of the 3 SocialPilot pricing plans. 

Note: SocialPilot also offers custom solutions for Enterprise clients, but you’ll have to contact them to get a custom quote. 

Socialpilot pricing plans

In any case, if your budget is below $50, you can look at other solutions like Buffer or Zoho.

SocialPilot Pricing Plans

As a social media management tool, SocialPilot claims to be useful for agencies and businesses with small marketing teams. This is why it offers 3 SocialPilot pricing plans with standard features included in the packages. 

In general, it’s not a question of what features are included in SocialPilot pricing packages but rather at what scale you can access the features.

Let’s explore each of the SocialPilot pricing plans to help you find the ideal one for you and your needs.

Small Team

First and foremost, let’s talk about the smallest SocialPilot pricing package that costs $50. 

The only features that this package doesn’t include compared to the other SocialPilot pricing plans are Concierge Setup and a Whitelabel Dashboard. 

In terms of other differences between plans, you can only connect 25 social media accounts, only have 3 team member logins, and only schedule 10 posts from RSS feeds with this SocialPilot pricing plan.

Other than that, all the plans have the same features and support the same social media platforms.


The second SocialPilot Pricing Plan costs $100 with the ability to connect a total of 50 social media accounts and have only 5 team member logins. You still won’t get a Whitelabel Dashboard, but you’ll have the joy of being guided through the setup process with Concierge Setup.

If you run a small agency or a social media management studio, this might be the best SocialPilot pricing plan for you.

Remember that each account on each platform counts as one connected account. If all of your clients have 5 profiles across 5 social platforms, this package will only be sustainable for 10 clients. 

If you’re looking for something a little bigger, consider the Agency SocialPilot pricing plan.


Last but not least, you can choose the $150 SocialPilot pricing plan made for agencies. You’ll get the ability to connect 75 social media profiles to your account, plus get a custom white-label dashboard with your brand colors and URL.

As with all the other SocialPilot pricing plans, you’ll get 24×5 customer support, integrations with tons of apps, social inbox features, analytics, and more.


If none of the SocialPilot pricing plans meet your needs, you can always get in touch with SocialPilot’s account managers and negotiate a custom solution. 

Is the SocialPilot app free?

The SocialPilot apps on Android and iOS are free to download. However, you’ll need to have a SocialPilot subscription to be able to sign in and start using the software through the apps.

Is SocialPilot worth it?

The short answer is yes. Using a social media management tool is one of the best time-saving tips that all marketers should use. You can use the time you save in better ways, ultimately increasing your ROI.

SocialPilot Features

Are you still asking: “How to use SocialPilot?” This SocialPilot review has the best answer. Let’s take a look at all the SocialPilot free and paid features and discover everything the solution can do for you.


As we’ve already discussed, SocialPilot is stocked with amazing social media management tools. In terms of publishing, here are the best SocialPilot features you get:

  • Social Media Scheduling – simply create posts directly on SocialPilot’s platform, and it’ll automatically be posted at your desired time or previously approved time slot.
  • Social Media Calendar – with a comprehensive calendar view, you can get the bigger picture of your schedules and even reschedule posts from one day to another with their drag and drop functionality.
Socialpilot content calendar
  • Bulk scheduling – schedule and add up to 500 posts to your queue with one CSV document upload.
  • Content Curation – the smart SocialPilot content curation tool allows you to browse and reshare content relevant to your niche at any time.
  • Browser extension – add the SocialPilot extension to your Chrome or Firefox browser and schedule posts from any website you were scrolling.

Social Inbox

One of the most crucial features of a social media management software tool is social inbox management. With SocialPilot, you get all your direct messages, comments, and other inquiries in one smart inbox for you to answer. This way, you can ensure your customer support on social media is up to par.

Facebook Ads

Since SocialPilot is an all-in-one social media management solution, it also features a section for running Facebook Ads. You can control all the parameters of your ads, target whoever you wish, and get insightful analytics at the end of each campaign.


Measuring ROI is one of the top 3 challenges that social marketers face. This means that tracking results and measuring success are extremely prominent processes. Luckily, SocialPilot helps in those regards.

Google my business

SocailPilot’s fantastic analytics feature delivers comprehensive performance reports for your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google My Business, and LinkedIn accounts. With audience insights, content performance, follower activity, and more, the custom SocialPilot PDF analytics reports give you a lot to learn from.

SocialPilot Comparison

This SocialPilot review wouldn’t be complete without an alternatives comparison. So, we’ve put together a quick overview of SocialPilot’s competitors. In case you were choosing between SocialPilot vs Hootsuite, Buffer, or Agorapulse, we’ll make your choice easier.

SocialPilot vs Hootsuite

Hootsuite is one of the biggest players in the social media management and analytics sphere. It has over 10 million users! 

One of the pros of using Hootsuite is that there’ a free version, but it has very limited capabilities. You can connect 2 social profiles and only make 5 posts during the month.

SocialPilot vs Hootsuite

Other than a free version, Hootsuite offers 3 other pricing plans ranging from $49 to $739. The $49 package only includes 10 social accounts and 1 user, while SocialPilot’s plan for the same price allows for 25 accounts and 3 users. 

In terms of price, SocialPilot has better value for money. In terms of features, SocialPilot almost perfectly matches the features you would get with Hootsuite.

So, if you’re looking for a more affordable solution for your small business or agency, SocialPilot would be the better way to go.

SocialPilot vs Buffer

Buffer is another leader in the social media management tool sphere. With amazing publishing and reporting tools, you get everything you need to effectively manage your social media endeavors.

When it comes to pricing, Buffer calculates it in a different way. Instead of giving an allowance for a specific number of accounts, they charge you per social account you want to use. This means that you won’t be paying for anything more than you’re getting. However, this also means that the price can stack up very quickly. 

SocialPilot vs Buffer

Compared to SocialPilot, if you wanted to use Buffer for managing 25 social media accounts in your team, you’d need to pay a monthly fee of around $150 instead of $50. However, you’d also get access to inviting unlimited users, integrating with Shopify, and even a landing page builder.

Do you need a landing page builder? Is it better for you to pay per social account? 

When choosing between SocialPilot vs Buffer, it’ll all come down to your requirements. 

SocialPilot vs Agorapulse

Last but not least, let’s look at SocialPilot vs Agorapulse. In terms of price, SocialPilot is definitely the more affordable option. With Agorapulse, you get fewer features for a higher price. Who wants that?

SocialPilot vs Agorapulse

Agorapulse doesn’t have an Instagram first comment feature like SocialPilot, no carousel posts, no boosting, no content curation discovery, and no client management.

In essence, Agorapulse strives in spheres like customer support and social listening, but its basic social media management capabilities are weaker than those offered by SocialPilot.

SocialPilot FAQs

To give you a complete overview of SocialPilot features, we’ve decided to answer some frequently asked questions about SocialPilot. So, here are just some of the questions regular users wonder about.

Does SocialPilot work for team management?

SocialPilot features 3 different roles you can assign to your team members. 

If you’re an Admin, you have access to essentially all features except for billing and subscriptions.

If you’re a Content Creator, you can’t directly post or schedule posts. Instead, you can create posts that will be sent to Admins or Managers to approve and send out.

team management

As you can already tell, if you’re a Manager, you get to approve and send out content created by the Content Creators.

SocialPilot is great for team management since you get to have a specific workflow and approvals process.

Note: SocialPilot also works for client management in case you need to request approvals or show reports to clients.

How do I use Canva with SocialPilot?

To use Canva with SocialPilot, all you have to do is click on “Create post” and press the Canva logo. From there, a popup preview will appear to help you add a design from your account to your post.

The SocialPilot Affiliate Program

SocialPilot features an amazing referral program for anyone who wants to become an affiliate. They offer a 30% commission for each subscription sale you bring in. If you’re interested in the SocialPilot Affiliate Program, check their terms and apply!

ShareIt by SocialPilot

One of the coolest benefits of the platform is the SocialPilot free content curation resource. ShareIt by SocialPilot is a dedicated search engine where you can find content to use in your content marketing strategy. Simply search for a keyword or an author and find relevant resources to repost. 

shareit by socialpilot

The only downside to the tool is that you have a daily limit. If you want full access, you’ll need to pay for a monthly subscription from SocialPilot.

Does SocialPilot automatically post for you?

The answer to this question is yes. The platform allows you to set the time and day when a post is supposed to be pushed out. Even if you’re sleeping or not online, SocialPilot automatically posts for you on that day and at that time.

SocialPilot Pros & Cons

Every tool review needs a comprehensive pros & cons list to help those who don’t have the time to read through everything. That’s why we’ve summarized some SocialPilot pros & cons in this SocialPilot review. We recommend you skim over them before starting your SocialPilot free trial.

Pros Cons
Affordable pricing + 14-day free trial Limited customer support options
Content curation feature Customers complain about Instagram analytics
Canva integration Not ideal for personal use or very small businesses
Easy to use
Supports 9 different platforms

SocialPilot Review 

Finally, we’ve arrived at the end of this SocialPilot review. As a social media management and analytics tool, SocialPilot seems to check all the boxes. 

Starting from calendar scheduling and smart content curation tools to team management and analytics reporting, SocialPilot has it all at an affordable price.

It’s tough to compete with leaders in the market, but SocialPilot features a price you just can’t say no to. If you’re getting almost all the features of other solutions at a better price, why wouldn’t you try it out?

With amazing features, a Canva integration, intelligent content curation platform, and a 14-day free trial, SocialPilot is definitely a contender in the social media management tool race.

Reviewed By Rem Darbinyan

Revolutionizing industries with AI, Rem Darbinyan is the CEO of ViralMango and an entrepreneur, AI expert, and influencer marketing strategist.

Rem Darbinyan