
strictly dumpling



Mike Chen is known to own at least 11 channels on YouTube. However, he mainly stays focused on food and traveling. Currently, Mike resides in an apartment in Redmond, Washington and owns a house in upstate New York. A passionate foodie, he often posts his tantalizing meals on his mikexingchen Instagram account.


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Mike was born in Xi’an, China, but migrated to America with his parents at a young age. The first US state Mike lived in was Tennessee before he lived across four Midwest states. He attended Truman State University where he majored in accounting with plans to work for the FBI. After his plans on joining the FBI did not come to fruition, he then worked for Morgan Stanley before working for New Tang Dynasty Television.


Beyond Science is Mike’s first channel to reach a million subscribers. On this channel, Mike uploads videos about earth mysteries and strange phenomena that are not explained by science. He explores topics including ancient aliens that may have come in contact with earth and advanced human civilizations existing millions of years ago. Mike has attracted criticism for his open mindedness to some absurd sounding theories such as the hollow earth. This was his most subscribed channel until it was surpassed by Strictly Dumpling in early 2019.


Strictly Dumpling is his main food channel that he created in 2013. Some of the earlier videos on this channel featured Mike informing his audience about authentic Chinese food, such as how to tell authentic Chinese restaurants from fake ones and popular western so-called Chinese dishes Chinese people do not eat.


Many of the videos on this channel are of him trying all kinds of exotic foods at restaurants from across America and also from his overseas trips.


Originally titled The Double Chen Show, Mike would be alongside Dan Chen to talk about Asian culture and traditions.


The name of the channel was changed to The Chen Dynasty after Dan and Yi left Mike on his own. The channel continued to release new videos even though Mike hosts it on his own, although the channel does still upload content, it seems to be months at a time.


Mikey Chen is Mike’s personal vlog channel. It is mainly used for posting his travel vlogs, including trying food on his travels.


On this channel he has documented international journeys to over twenty countries and made videos showing behind the scenes of how he makes his videos.


Originally titled Double Chen News, The CheNews features weird and humorous news stories, mainly from China. This channel also had its name changed once Dan and Yi went their own way.


Cook With Mikey is Mike’s cooking recipe channel. This channel was originally titled Pho The Love of Food from its creation in 2017 until 2020, when its name was changed to Cook With Mikey. The channel features either Mike or his friends teaching the viewer how to cook certain food dishes. The foods featured on this channel are mostly of Asian origin, but also from other parts of the world.

Eat with Mikey is an additional food channel created in November 2017 where he has uploaded videos of him trying Pizza at a restaurant in New York, eating the spiciest instant noodles in the world and when he got invited by Singapore Airlines to try out food intended to be served on board their flights.

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