

Followers: 160.4K
Comments/Likes: 3.15
Engagement: 4.08
The Mango Score is a metric helping assess influencers. It takes into account a weighted average of several criteria, such as Number of Followers, Engagement Rate and Comments/Likes ratio
29 mango-score


Krystal Forscutt is a woman, a wife, and a mother, who manages to beautifully balance all three – well at least she does so on Instagram. We cannot say for sure but let’s give our girl the benefit of the doubt since she seems pretty genuine.


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The Mom influencer has an amazing, devoted, supportive and we just have to mention… hot husband Neil Hipwell, who is the founding director of Futureflip – an innovation building design company.

Forscutt’s every post is about how family means everything to her and that there’s nothing more important than her fam squad. And through it, all her life-long goal is to be an exemplary, nurturing, loving, strong, and encouraging female figure.

And one way she aims to encourage her followers to live better and healthier lives is to know your body and listen to your body – there’s absolutely no need for crazy diets. Krystal is a personal trainer and for over 10 years she has naturally maintained a healthy and happy lifestyle with what she eats and the way she trains. It’s all about balance. You don’t have to cut anything out of your diet and you also don’t have to live in the gym. She shares how she tries to work out at least three times a week whether it’s going to the gym, squeezing a little 30min workout at home due to convenience, or running around and playing tag with her kids. Through her mindset and lifestyle expression via the content that she puts out she wishes to encourage women to start their self-love journey and work on themselves creating their own happiness without making a comparison with anyone else.

Another one of her passions is healthy eating which you can find a lot about on her blog. Krystal talks about how instead of measuring calories she simply tries to put together a bunch of healthy, colorful good stuff that tastes delicious altogether and that the family enjoys. Make sure to check out her peach pumpkin and chicken recipe that is approved both by the kids and the hubby.

Faith plays a crucial role in the Mom blogger’s life. She opens up about how she would not be the person that she is today without her faith and that it helped her tremendously achieve inner peace and gain a brighter outlook on life.

Krystal is wearing many hats and tries her best to juggle Mom’s life, her work, and her social life. If you wanna see how she manages it all and get a sense of her outlook on life follow her on Instagram, check out her blog and make sure to watch some of her videos on her interactive and engaging YouTube channel.

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