
Bo Polny is a Cryptocurrency and Gold trader with experience in the markets for both. He is a leading analyst in the world of finance. Bo founded his own YouTube channel called Gold 2020 Forecast in 2012, where he analyzes different aspects of cryptocurrencies like risks involved with investing heavily into them or how they can be used as an alternative form of payment on global scales. His videos currently have over 8 million views and counting! His knowledge when it comes to precious metals can be seen through his many appearances on various television networks. This is not all – he’s also been invited as an expert speaker at dozens of conferences around the world. Bo Polny is truly a legend in the world of finance. His knowledge goes beyond just cryptocurrency – he also has extensive experience with precious metals because of his education and the work he does at Gold 2020 Forecast.


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Bo was one of the top graduates in his class, and he has lived up to that success with an impressive resume. Bo left home for California, where he quickly built himself a successful career as both doctor and entrepreneur – it wasn’t long at all before Bo had established himself as someone who could be relied upon for excellent medical care!


When Bo was faced with a personal family challenge, he reevaluated his life and priorities. He realized that the clinic had become too much of an obstacle in his plans for success, so instead of keeping it, he sold everything, including the clinic for which he had worked so hard, and left his career as a chiropractor! Afterward, Bo decided to get further education on precious metals since they fascinated him.


Bo has always had a strong entrepreneurial spirit and felt that he needed something to replace his previous career. He knew that joining the gold industry would be an excellent way to tie together both of these passions – health care and investing in precious metals! His instincts were right on point with this decision since Bo is now one of the most respected experts in the industry.


He always had a fascination for precious metals, but the more he analyzed the market, his passion grew. According to Bo, he noticed that the markets move in patterns similar to timing patterns in the Bible. This observation prompted him to study it further, and as he likes to stress often, his understanding of the Bible has helped Bo find success in both trading gold and foresight for cryptocurrencies. He believes that his life’s calling lies in the ability to help others find direction and hope. Bo constantly feels the presence of God and prays for guidance, which he believes has been confirmed through prayer. Bo Polny credits this gift to a higher power that blessed him with direction in life as well as hope.


Bo founded his YouTube channel in order to make more people aware of the market timing analysis. Through this subscription service, clients can consult with Bo’s guidance for their future plans so they can take advantage of opportunities and avoid potential risks.

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