
Nessa the Cavalier

Followers: 209.8K
Comments/Likes: 0.95
Engagement: 14.13
The Mango Score is a metric helping assess influencers. It takes into account a weighted average of several criteria, such as Number of Followers, Engagement Rate and Comments/Likes ratio
39 mango-score

locationNew York City

email[email protected]



You might be thinking to yourself, “What would happen if my dog grew up and kept its puppy form for life?” Well, this is what happened when the owner of a King Charles Cavalier spaniel named Nessa brought home her furry friend. Ever since she was a puppy, Nessa has been the cutest little bundle of fur. She’s still just as adorable today and will remain that way until her next litter! The owners of this wonderful dog were so excited to bring home their new puppy and see what kind of grownup she would be. But when it comes to fur babies, you always expect the unexpected.  As you can tell from the social media pictures, Nessa never grew into an adult-sized canine-like most King Charles dogs do!


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Nessa is a Cavalier King Charles with the most adorable features. She has taken over Instagram with a following of over 400 thousand who are absolutely in love with Nessa. Her tiny stature will make you want to follow suit as well! You can’t resist this cuddly little beast. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is one of the smallest breeds, but you have probably not seen one which is as tiny and cuddly looking as Nessa before! 


Unlikely as it may seem, the size of Nessa’s body doesn’t stem from any kind of mutation or exceptional genes. In fact, she was just a runt in comparison with her litters’ siblings, who all grew up to average size, unlike Nessa. 


As the runt of their litter, these pups are often smaller and weaker than their brothers. While some of these puppies go on to grow up and be just as healthy, strong adult dogs as their siblings, many will never be able to fill out an adult size like their siblings fully.


These little fur babies, who are the runt of their litter, are frequently facing difficulties when it comes to finding a home, whether they’re being rejected by breeders or potential owners because so many are worried about how their puppies will turn out. Breeders are concerned about possible health risks these puppies might have in the future, and many owners aren’t willing because they don’t want any problems themselves!


Nessa may be the runt of her litter, but she’s taken on an important role in this family. She was adopted by someone who has made sure to provide Necessary care and love for their pup ever since! Luckily, even though Nessa is much smaller than the average Cavalier King Charles, this little lady still has everything it takes to be just as healthy!


The internet fell head over heels for Nessa after she made her Instagram debut. With big brown eyes and the ability to steal hearts with just one glance, this little pup is no doubt loved by all who come across it in real life or online! Her outfits are always on point too.


Nessa’s fans are crazy about her. They can’t stop sending the pup fan mail or fan art where Nessa always looks fantastic in every single one! The best part? When people spot this dog walking around the streets, they know exactly who it is because everyone loves a good canine influencer.

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