
Muro Crypto is the go-to guy for all of your cryptocurrency needs. He knows his stuff, and you can learn from him too! Muro has covered analysis as well as uploading educational videos on trading to YouTube, where he helps others get into investing in this exciting market with intuitive guidance that will have them making money left right center or maybe losing it depending on who they are. Still, either way, there’ll always be something new coming out, so you might want to give it a shot.


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Initially, Muro was a craftsman. He completed an apprenticeship in car body and vehicle mechanics after being suspended from college. His IT tech plans didn’t work out because of the little fight he got into at school. However, Muro is actually pretty peaceful most of the time – until you try bullying someone weaker than yourself! This empathy skill came out later on as useful for trading because it allows him to guess how people will react when they’re being pressured too much or overpriced by salesmen.


When Muro was ten years old, his father bought him a PC to play games on. He became fascinated with the operating system and watched from its early days all of internet evolution from Napster to Google and Blockchain today! However, it wasn’t until later in life that Muro decided to take a different career path. 


As the son of Turkish immigrants back then, Muro thought that his only option was to become a craftsman without better qualifications. However, as time passed and opportunity knocked on their doorstep once again, so did this young man with newfound courage-wanting more from life than just learning some basic tasks decided to move on to something new!


Firstly, he started educating himself professionally and became an engineer. It’s been a long and challenging journey for him, but he finally achieved his goal of being an engineer. His hard work paid off with this prestigious job that provides free time to explore new things in life. 


Later on, Muro has had a couple of brushes with Bitcoin. His first encounter was in 2013 when his friend bought some for 80 bucks, and he wanted to invest too! But things got pushed aside as other concerns took over. 


Luckily in 2017, his cousin Muro’s cousin told him about the rising prices of bitcoin. He made sure not to lose any time and soon bought his first bitcoin. His money was multiplying so fast that Muro could hardly believe it. But soon, things started going downhill, and he started losing a lot of money. 


Muro had to admit to himself that he had to start learning and face his failures. He educated himself and found out what he was doing wrong, which made things go for the better again. 


Nowadays, Muro has his own YouTube channel, which he created in 2019. His videos cover the gamut – from candlestick charts and supply-demand, all the way through price action. He has a video series based on trading that is worth checking out if you want to get educated while watching some entertaining content! Mauro is also active on Twitter, where he posts regularly for his almost 200 thousand followers.

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