

Followers: 1M
Comments/Likes: 10.07
Engagement: 9.62
The Mango Score is a metric helping assess influencers. It takes into account a weighted average of several criteria, such as Number of Followers, Engagement Rate and Comments/Likes ratio
75 mango-score


Looking for the positive, healthy, super busy Texas mama?
Well, Amber Massey represents the classy, jazzy, happy, and sometimes kinda sappy mom of five, adorable children. There is always something comforting about the unbelievably organized and seemingly perfect life of an incredibly American mom… the impression that she and her family will always be sunny and smiley all the time. It is this that makes a lot of influencers intolerable sometimes. But Masseya, despite her perfect posts, has a sense of authenticity and calmness to the busy day that makes her more of an inspiration and role model to many moms, rather than a show-off.
Amber Massey is where you can find all the special dets about her life. From healthy recipes, to gift lists, to blog posts about her kids, and daily routines, Amber Massey makes sure to keep her audience in the loop.
She started writing this blog to share her story with other moms, maybe parents of twins looking for some guidance and advice, or newlyweds trying to plan their dinner ideas, babys’ sleep schedule, and trying to understand the unfathomable standard of what’s “normal” for a family.
Amber is knwon and famous as Masseya. This young mom blogger shares her children’s experiences, physical stats, and other information she feels might help other moms find that balance, and comfort of “normal,” even though there is no one standard of parenting. One thing to note when searching for the most recent info though is that TheMasseySpot website is not as updated as Amber’s Instagram page with over 951 thousand followers, @masseya; so be sure to check out her main page as well to get an overview of who she is. Besides Instagram, Amber shares her lifestyle on Facebook, where her audience is more than 9.5 thousand followers. Her account is called Amber Massey.


Stand out With a Powerful Influencer Media Kit.

Amber Massey is married to her loving firefighter husband, Jordan Massey (@masseyjordan). The two represent the foundation of a healthy, growing relationship as seen through Massey’s genuine post about the two going to couple’s therapy recently. This provides a level of authenticity and human realness to her audience which definitely does not go unnoticed among thousands of posed and perfect posts. These kinds of posts are really what make an influencer relatable and allow them to connect with their audience. Despite that, Amber Massey represents a very “put-together” persona on her media platforms. On Masseya, a skim through her daily routine blog post, can show you just how jam-packed her day is; beginning from a gym routine at 4:30 AM, to preparing the kids throughout the whole day until they get to sleep, I can’t imagine how one could manage all of that, and handle frequently updating a social media page with aesthetically pleasing content.
But now for a quick run-through of her kids, since this is, of course, the primary topic of all of Amber’s posts: first we got the adorable and smiley set of twins, Jolie and Parker, who are now around 10 years old. Before Amber and Jordan Massey had their beautiful girls, they struggled with infertility for 4 years, only to be surprised by not one, but two joyful children. Two years later came, Baker Bree, the 2 years after that, Brady, and finally, Baylor the fifth baby B.

Altogether, Amber Massey has been blogging since she got married, after being a registered dietician for ten years, then becoming a mom, blogging has been a creative way for her to record many of the sweet days with her family and show her lifestyle and usual day life. For Amber, blogging on the Masseya Spot had started out as a personal adventure, but soon these all allowed her to find sponsors with brand and companies such as Walmart, food brands, Tula sunscreen, and much more, allowing her to be a stay-at-home, successful business mom.

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