
Maggie the Wonder Dog

Followers: 447.8K
Comments/Likes: 2.03
Engagement: 4.13
The Mango Score is a metric helping assess influencers. It takes into account a weighted average of several criteria, such as Number of Followers, Engagement Rate and Comments/Likes ratio
32 mango-score


Maggie is a modern-day hero. It’s hard to imagine how a dog can be so loving and friendly after being put through so much abuse. Maggie was 5 years old when she was found in Lebanon in a horrifying condition. She was shot 17 times in her eyes and all over her body. As if this wasn’t enough her ear was cut off, and then it was discovered that she was pregnant and beaten up during the pregnancy. The person who rescued the dog, found her tied to a box. Luckily, after posting about Maggie on social media, Wild at Heart Foundation helped rescue the dog. Once rescued she had to undergo surgeries and treatments. Kasey Carlin from Brighton, England saw Maggie on social media and wanted to adopt her. They met at the airport and Kasey was unable to hold the tears. Maggie was taken to her new home and treated properly. 


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Although she didn’t have much to be happy about in the past, the important thing is that today she is happier than ever. Now she has an Instagram account with over 490 thousand followers. Kasey quit her job to fully devote her time to managing Maggie’s account. On Instagram, we can see Maggie in colorful outfits and smiling as always. As Maggie is a therapy dog, there are also pictures of her regular visits to many nursing homes, hospitals, and retirement homes. Therapy dogs are trained to provide comfort, support, and affection. And who’s better for this job than Maggie the Wonder Dog herself. 


So many were invested in this inspirational story that Kasey was motivated to write a whole book about Maggie’s journey. It’s called “The Miraculous Life of Maggie the Wunderdog”. The story is both heartbreaking and heartwarming. We all know Maggie’s story now, but in the book, it is more detailed, emotional, and from the author’s point of view. However, they do not dwell on the past. She talks about her new and better life in England as well.


Interesting facts

  • Before meeting Maggie, Kasey has already saved another dog from misery. An Alaskan Klee Kai called Mishka was forgotten by her family. She was always in a crate, they didn’t socialize with her and as a result, she became very aggressive. Kasey took her and with a lot of training and love, Mishka became herself again.
  • After meeting Maggie, Kasy did another heroic act. With the help of Wild at Heart Foundation, Millie the Wonder Dog has been rescued from Russia after being shot in the face. Not much is known about what exactly had happened to her, but the important thing is that now she has a loving owner.

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