
Coin Bureau



Coin Bureau is a space-age endeavor, with the intent of delivering cutting edge educational and informative blockchain content to all corners of our galaxy.  Coin Bureau is a highly popular cryptocurrency influencer who has taken the internet by storm. He bills himself as the go-to informational portal for those interested in this digital currency universe, presenting his views unbiasedly researched team of crypto analysts which he personally selected to provide thorough coverage on all topics related with coins/token sale platforms or other aspects impacting blockchain technology development around today’s trending news cycle. His fans appreciate his deep dives into different crypto projects. For example, Guy boasts more than 119 podcasts available via Audible which have spanned a wide variety of topics including blockchain, cryptography, and decentralized finance. Coin Bureau Guy made a name for himself by providing an educational resource for navigating crypto markets. 


Stand out With a Powerful Influencer Media Kit.


Coin Bureau Guy enjoys incredible reach and popularity. He is active on numerous social media platforms.  On YouTube Guy is known as Coin Bureau. He first joined YouTube back in January 16, 2019. As for now, this YouTube channel has over 1.46 million subscribers, the number of subscribers is increasing by every day, 510 uploaded videos and over 83 million of total number of views. The very first video of this channel is Bitstamp Review 2019- Is it still legit? What you need to know. The video was uploaded on March 12, 2019, it  gained over 23K views, 326 likes, 14 dislikes, 80 comments, the majority of the comments were positive and thanking words. The Coin Bureau discusses, talks and records videos about various very interesting topics such as what is republic protocol, different reviews like review of fusion, luno and others, aion coin, factom, tutorials on how to stake, bitcoin related topics and many others. As of the last month’s results, september 2021, the average views of one video on this channel is approximately 198K.  


As for Twitter, this channel is the most mainstream social platform frequented by crypto and blockchain fans. For this reason, we can make the argument that one of Coin Bureau’s most influential platforms is ultimately Twitter. The Guy’s Twitter account is Coin Bureau. He first joined Twitter in September 2017. As for now, the account has about 394K followers. 


The Instagram account of Guy is coin.bureau. On this platform he has about 90K followers. On this Instagram account the Guy shares news, reviews, merch and hilarious crypto related memes.  The Coin Bureau also has a LinkedIn account the coin bureau . Here they have quite a small number of followers, about 1400, and also on this platform they are not that active. People can also receive the newest updates of the Guy by subscribing to his Telegram channel Coin Bureau Insider. The channel is very active and for now has over 143K subscribers. The website of Coin Bureau is There is also a special place, where people can get Guy’s crypto insights and tips for free. They just need to write their email and subscribe. 


The Coin Bureau has strategically selected where he puts his energy and presence. This approach represents a vital aspect of his strategy for influencer marketing- to go where his audience is. 



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