
Idan Abada



Blockchain is the future, and Idan Abada wants you in on it. Whether he’s talking about breaking down barriers for people who don’t know how or where to start with mining cryptocurrencies or providing an easy way of purchasing coins from projects created by other enthusiasts without having any technical knowledge whatsoever, this guy has got everyone covered! Bitcoin mining is a tough gig, but that doesn’t mean it’s for only the most skilled professionals. Even if you don’t have years and dollars to invest in your hardware, Idan Abada has created an easy way to join forces with others who do! And it looks like his message is echoing with all those who have been waiting for a change.


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Abada has his own YouTube channel to share what he’s up to. The San Fernando Valley resident has been making headlines for posting videos on TikTok of himself using Starbucks free electricity to run an $875 mini bitcoin mining rig. The video, which now boasts over 2 million views and counting, shows just how easy it is for anyone with access to a computer to get involved in cryptocurrency trading! 


When you think of crypto mining, the first thing that comes to mind may not necessarily be a smaller and more modern-looking rig. Usually, we hear of people running mining rigs that consist of many machines. They are all lined up in rows and working tirelessly to extract new bitcoin units from the blockchain by complicated algorithms. However, the rig that Abada uses is a whole lot different from what you would expect it to look like. Abada’s miner is designed to be as efficient and straightforward as a mining machine it can get. The Abadamining multi-port USB hub houses ten Bitmain ASIC chips while also housing an internal mini fan that helps keep things cool during operation. 


According to Abada, anyone can be a part of the crypto world with this easy-to-use miner. All you need is your computer or laptop, and that’s it! It uses USB power, so there’s no hassle when setting up for mining in just about any location around home or office. That is a new and innovative way to mine cryptocurrencies. Abada’s miner is easy enough for anyone. With such low startup costs as well as free software available online nowadays, mining crypto coins can be done at home on any device we already own, which makes us even more inclined to become partakers within this digital world.


At first, things were going as smoothly for Abada. He began mining cryptocurrency in 2015 from his house and made an agreement with roommates that he would pay the extra cost of electricity. After only two years, this freelance miner decided to open up his own shop after noticing how well things were going for him.


Nowadays, Abada is the new guy on the block, and he’s making a killing. His company has more than doubled its revenue in just one year, which means that there are plenty of opportunities out there for him! 


Idan Abada is also active on several social media accounts. His YouTube channel called “How Much?” has accumulated more than 120 thousand subscribers since being launched in 2014. He makes sure to share regular insights and entertaining content about crypto with all his followers.

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