
Marsha Collier



Marsha Collier is an author, radio personality, podcast host, and educator specializing in technology, internet, marketing and ecommerce. Marsha Collier was born on December 4, 1950. Her zodiac sign is sagittarius. Marsha Collier studies English literature in the University of Miami and media training in CommCore Consulting.  


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Before Marsha Collier’s online career began, she owned and operated her own marketing and advertising firm. The firm was called The Collier Company, Marsha Collier also won numerous awards including “ Small Businessperson of the Year” accolades from several organizations.  


Collier started her eBay career during the site’s nascent years, becoming one of the site’s first successful sellers. From there, Marsha Collier  became an eBay Top Rated Seller, and later she decided to co-author the first edition of “ eBay for Dummies”, which was published back in 1999. Collier co-authored the first edition with Roland Woerner and Stephanie Becker, and became the sole author of the series, beginning with the second edition. As it is known, the series is currently in its tenth edition. 


Earlier in 2001, Marsha Collier expanded the eponymous series to reach individuals interested in making eBay their full time profession, Starting an eBay Business For Dummies. 


In 2003, Marsha Collier’s book “ Starting an eBay Business For Dummies” appeared on the Business Week list of best selling paperback business books. 


After two years, in 2005, Collier hosted the Public Broadcasting Service Public Television program called “ Making Your Fortune Online”, a complete guide to starting and operating an online business. The two hour programm, shot in front of a live video studio audience in San Francisco, was a full seminar on conceiving a business idea, finding products or services to sell, finding the best sites for your products and understanding the legal, operational and tax issues related to having successful online business. 


In 2008, Marsha Collier was named one of 20 iCitizens in the book called “ The open brand: When push comes to pull in a web-made world” by Kelly Mooney. The same year, she gave the luncheon keynote at the Online Market World conference in San Francisco.


Later in 2011, Marsh Collier’s book named “ Ultimate Online Customer Service Guide: How to connect with your customers to sell more” ranked number 4 among “ What corporate America is Reading. 


By 2013, Collier’s book “ eBay for Dummies” was one of the best sellers on the topic. As of 2016, with over 1 million copies of the book in print, she was the all time best selling eBay author. Collier hosts the Computer and Technology Radio podcast with broadcaster Mark Cohen. 


In 2014, Collier was a columnist with American Express. She is also on the board of advisors for Buysafe, a bonding service for online sellers. 


Since 2008, Collier co-hosts a podcast “ Marsha Collier and Marc Cohen Techradio” with former KABC journalist Marc Cohen. 


Marsha Collier is active on various social media platforms. On LinkedIn Marsha’s account is Marsha Collier. Here she has about 10K followers. As for Twitter, her channel is Marsha Collier. Marsha first joined this platform back in March 2008. On this platform, Marsha shows a hush level of activeness and as for now, her channel has more than 235K followers. On Instagram, Marsha has about 5K followers and her account is marshacollier. The Facebook account, Marsha Collier, has more than 4K followers. The last platform is YouTube, her channel here is Marsha Collier. On this platform, she has over 15 years of presence. 


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