
Morgan Hudson


Morgan Hudson, nicknamed Morgz, is a British Youtuber who has received condemnation by many for supposedly copying a Youtuber named Mr. Beasts. Morgz also has been called out all over social media for misleading viewers by using click baits that are farthest from his content. This resentment is shared by many viewers who think that he lacks originality and uses his mother to portray a character of a sexual predator in some of his videos. They further this retaliation by claiming that he pulls these immoral stunts for gaining views. Some find his videos dramatically exaggerated, which is said to have no ground to reality. There’s enough evidence to show that he has an infamous history with some people who resent him for his ways of publicizing himself.


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This bitterness amongst viewers hasn’t impeded Morgz in creating enthusiastic videos where he pulls pranks on people and does daily challenges on his YouTube channel. Constant criticisms thrashed on him haven’t held him down. He has cleverly used posting sensational headlines as a means to increasing his viewership. His gradual growth on YouTube only added to the reasons for him working tirelessly to post videos that now entertain millions of people. The internet is flooded with hate comments for him, but he doesn’t let them define him or his future.

Morgz has risen above his insecurities pointed out by many to become the tough person he is now.


Morgz has a unique line of content on his channel where he dares himself under unexpected themes. He is a great prankster, with him tricking his family and friends very often. His challenges have taken the internet by storm. His initial content was around posting games online, from FIFA to Pokemon Go content, which he later shifted into a more generic one.


Morgz started his career from Minecraft, FIFA, and Call of duty which he uploaded in 2014 on his Youtube channel, “GamerLegendaryHd.” Morgz would constantly rename his channel in hopes of being appealing to the audience. He finally changed the name for his Youtube Channel from Morg Gang Morgz. He had never imagined his career as an influencer. It wasn’t until he gained 40k subscribers that he became verified. He then opened an apparel store on his website named Team Morgz. He also launched his application “Ultimate Challenge by Morgz.” which is accessible on IOS. His most viewed video (17 FIFA) hit 2 million views within 2 hours of uploading.


Morgan Hudson, born on the 6th of August  2001, in Sheffield, England, to Darren and jill. He is the only son of his mother and father. He owns a dog who goes by the name of Bruno that he loves dearly. His mum, Jill, often joins him in creating content, some of which are questioned on moral grounds by people. Morgz has dated several girls in his lifetime. From 2018-2019, he dated Kiera Bridget and is currently seeing Tamzin Taber, who makes some videos with him. He has over 11.4 million subscribers on Youtube, with 859k people following him on Instagram.


He’s won the hearts of people with his hell-bent demeanor.

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