
Rodrigo Albornoz



You may not have heard of him, but you’ll be hearing from Rodrigo Albornoz soon enough.  With almost 45 thousand followers on Instagram, the Venezuelan crypto influencer Rodrigo Albornoz has attracted nearly 45 thousand followers to his Instagram account. The high-quality content he creates has captured the attention of many crypto enthusiasts, making him gain multiple thousands of views on his Facebook videos. Rodrigo also has a YouTube channel called Contando Manzanas, where his videos have more than 3 million views combined. Rodrigo is also active on Twitter, where he regularly shares his thoughts about everything crypto-related.


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Rodrigo dedicates a big part of his work to help the people of Venezuela, and he does this by teaching them how they can save money and, most importantly, enhance those savings. His lessons are simple yet informative for anyone who wants a better understanding of what it means when you’re talking about savings accounts or investment portfolios. Rodrigo puts in a lot of hard work to make sure that all of these comprehensive services offered can be available for those who need some coaching in finance.  The work Rodrigo does is essential in Venezuela, where families are today trying to reinvent themselves all over the world.


Rodrigo Albornoz is an industrial engineer who graduated from Hofstra University in New York in 2015. The young Venezuelan shares with his followers his knowledge and skills about creating a solid economic base that allows them not only to survive but thrive. By generating an excess of money, Rodrigo is able to cover his expenses and at the same time invest in passive activities, which will increase the standard of living even further! He stresses the importance of creating an income from passive sources such as investing in property, stocks, or bonds, which he says will give you financial security and peace of mind for years down the line!


Rodrigo plans to retire at the age of 30. And he’s already gotten his financial security with all that hard work.  He has been able to set aside money for the future and not have any worries about how much he needs in order to live comfortably. Rodrigo knows that his investment skills will continue paying off even when it comes time for him to get out of work! That has allowed him time for other pursuits like hobbies and side projects, where generating revenue isn’t as substantial as persuading his interests.


In 2017, Rodrigo Albornoz founded the Contando Manzanas project, which is supposed to make investing very easy. His idea was simple – convert traditionally complex topics such as long-term investments and real estate in a friendly language for his audience so they can achieve financial freedom!


Albornoz also created virtual consultancies. With her Contando Manzanas project, he implemented face-to-face conferences for the first time at Rafael Belloso Chacin University in Doral and Hampton Inn Orlando. The goal of these presentations is to provide an educational compendium on how families can generate long-term savings plans as well as economic growth strategies that will allow them to live with permanent comfort regardless of their income level or needs!

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