When it comes to the best possible rates, influencers have lots of opportunities to test different rates and see whether brands reaching out to them are willing to pay the price. Depending on the demand, they can adjust their rates accordingly at any time. Here’s how this happens: After deciding how much to charge for an instagram post or story, influencers sit and wait. If they see lots of brands coming to them over and over again, they know their “customers” are satisfied with the results and are ready to pay the amount every time. In this case, they can try to increase their rates a little and test again.
But what if you are a brand? How can you determine what’s the best possible price especially when it’s your first time collaboration and you don’t have much data to lean on? It’s like going on a blind date: you never know what to expect. If you have outreached influencers before, you may know that part of them sends their rates immediately. But how do you know if the game is indeed worth the candle? You don’t want to pay more than you should, do you?
As if this were an easy problem, there are even bigger challenges out there. What about the situation when an influencer asks about the budget you want to spend? You find yourself at a loss, trying to figure out the right amount without having the slightest idea about their rates. On the one hand, you don’t want to suggest more than their rates. And on the other hand, you may simply offend influencers by offering too little of a budget for their talent.
Why Instagram Money Calculator
Unlike other calculators, Instagram Money Calculator determines the influencers’ range not solely based on the number of their followers, but also considering a more accurate factor — the Mango Score. The latter includes not only the number of followers, but also the engagement rate and comments/like ratio of the influencer’s posts.
We know that an influencer may have millions of followers but give too little value for the amount you paid them. Whereas another influencer with much less followers can bring more credibility, sales and exposure because of having more engaged followers and more genuine content.
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