
Blue Edge Financial



Dealing with financial struggles is tough enough, but it can be even more overwhelming when you’re trying to do everything on your own. In 2019, a group of frustrated entrepreneurs set out to create an honest and effective way for people around the world to have access to financial success. The founders felt like there were no good alternatives, so they set out with this idea in mind – create something better than any other option currently on offer! They found this opportunity in Blue Edge Financial’s system, which can be duplicated and used by thousands of members with only little effort required on their part!


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Blue Edge Financial is a unique company that provides access to education and trading bots. Their goal is to provide necessary information to financial markets beginners as well as experts in the field, regardless of experience or knowledge level on forex trading platforms. In addition, they offer content through videos that teach users about how each aspect works within their system – from technical indicators all the way up until more complex stuff!


Many people just want to jump right into the AI trading bot and not spend time educating themselves, but members who go through training get more out of it than those who don’t. The company doesn’t just want people to use their AI trading bot, but they also want to teach them how they can improve themselves through investing in knowledge with these bots. While this isn’t necessary, it does help those interested in learning how to trade with a human-like approach and avoid any surprises along the way!


Blue Edge Financial uses a trading method or strategy that has been proven to work in the markets. The system they run on is powered by AI and mathematical formulas, which gives them an edge over other traders offering similar services because it runs more efficiently than human-run operations can ever hope for!


Blue Edge Financial has its own webpage, but they are also quite active on YouTube and Facebook, where they regularly post content for those interested.


The three co-founders of this company, Adam Wenig, Joe Hicken, and Tyler Turner, are all very young and driven. They have a passion for entrepreneurship that shines through in their work ethics. The three of them worked together to create something that not only helps them succeed but also gives back in a big way by supporting people with tools and knowledge.


Adam Wenig is a self-made entrepreneur who has been working on the entrepreneurial scene for years. He started off as a top promoter for ClickFunnels and now works with Blue Edge Financial. You’ll even see him on stage or promoting their products all over social media through videos and other means.  He’s even a motivational speaker who has worked together with many prominent figures from the scene.


Joe Hicken was a language tutor and is even a violinist who has been helping out in Cambodia for the past few years. He graduated from BYU, but he’s also an expert Forex trader who makes up an essential part of the trio!


Tyler Turner is the third co-founder of the company. He’s helped out with branding and testing trading software, but he spends most of his time tweaking bots to get better results for customers!


Even though those three have somewhat different backgrounds, they have managed to come together and create their own success story.

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